Local Products from Local Producers
all over Madison County, Idaho

Yes, we will eventually have potatoes.
No, that’s not all!

Latest Food Items

Latest Handmade Goods

Latest Services

New Eden Mission

Keep it Local

The closer you live to someone, the more impact you can have on their life. Buying local means helping families thrive. It means greater quality, because food was grown or things were made for those close by. You could see the person you bought something from on the street. They may be there for your kids’ baseball game. You may end up serving together on a committee. This really means something.

Keep it Quality

With all of the amazing talent in Madison County, we are committed to letting people shine their light and be seen and appreciated. Families here grow delicious, nutrient dense foods. They create beautiful products. They pride themselves in their services. As the heart of Madison County grows through strengthening the community, so can the quality of the things we produce.

Keep it Simple

Getting goods to market can be so difficult these days. Our goal is to help families who want to produce connect with people who want their products with as little effort as possible. As they grow, they can create their own store fronts and websites, but there has to be an easy place to start. That’s where we come in. We keep it local, we keep it quality, and we keep it simple.

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