Terms of Use

Before applying to be a vendor on this website, please read the following rules to insure good fit.  If any shop does not follow these rules it will be shut down.

  1. Vendors must be living in Madison County, Idaho, while their store is in use.
  2. If a vendor leaves the county for more than two weeks, their store must be put on hold.
  3. New Eden Market is for very small, local businesses only.  If you already have a dedicated and highly trafficked website, more than one employee, or a storefront, you are likely too big for our services.
  4. This site is all about building community.  Any bullying of customers or other vendors will result in your site store being shut down.
  5. All products and/or services shown on this site will be family friendly. 
  6. Any products and/or services offered cannot pose an obvious threat to anyone (no weapons, harsh chemicals, etc.).
  7. Items shown on this site will be items created by the owner of the store.  No distributing from outside Madison County is allowed. 
  8. Do not offer used items or any items that you would normally be selling at a garage sale.
  9. Vendors are responsible for handling their own sales tax collection and paperwork.
  10. New Eden may edit product listings at any time to insure clarity and/or propriety.

Disclaimer: New Eden Market is not offering any legal or tax advice.  We advise our vendors to review their own particular situation with competent legal and tax professionals.

Notice: Your personal information will always be kept purely confidential.  We will not sell or share your information without your permission.  Costumers will not be able to see any contact information on this site (so hopefully web crawlers won’t either), which is why initial contacting is done purely via the plugin on on this site.

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